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hoi4 change ideology command kaiserreich

Fixed NatPop United Baltic Duchy not being able to reintegrate the areas outside of core Germany. Added a monarchy option for puppet Montenegro. Altered Georgias starting claims, and how they gain additional claims. They can now core all of China and they wont be referred to as RKMT. Continuing the tradition of last patch, this is a slightly smaller update but coming to you far sooner than you might have expected. Mittelafrika and Portugal Bush War now has a different setup with a mission. Fixed the ROM resistance in Transylvania breaking if the owner changes. Fixed united South African Federation keeping the Natal Rebellion national spirit. Fixed Turkish events referring to Constrantinope as the capital, when it has been taken by Greece. Removed the faction-unique army spirits, for now. Fixed Bulgaria not getting the National Catastrophe, if annexed during the Fourth Balkan War. Fixed a crash to desktop from Finland spawning ships requiring a non-owned DLC. Added Paquito El Chocolatero (Paquito the Chocolatier) to Carlist Spain and the Kingdom of Spain. Releasing Namibia now requires South Africa to be released first. Fixed the Canadian annexation event using the wrong effect. So I'm playing a Transamur > Russia game and Russia went down the republic route. The IMRO now goes straight into open conflict, if it revolts while Serbia is at war. A revolting Chad now starts as a market liberal republic. Fixed being able to choose Status Quo in the Austrian secret deal path. Fixed Zhang Tianran not dying after the event featuring his death. Fixed Algerias leaders not having pictures. Added some events regarding the Romanian annexation of Alfld. Greatly decreased South Africas compliance requirements for coring Damaraland, Inhambane & Gaza, and Namaqualand. Clarified a late**game Commune of France tooltip. Germany now also gets their admirals when they take the GEA/MAF navy away. New National Focus icons for Poland, Scandinavia, Sweden, Qing and Uruguay. Fixed Kompani Linge is not being properly removed from Sweden if Norway is defeated. Added the correct prerequisites to all Dahomey / National France-related foci. Fixed Legionnaire Italys Purge Opposition national focus having no effect when other party popularity is too low. Added dates and places of birth to all American political advisors. The correct Otto Wels death event will now fire if the SPD is not ruling Germany, Fixed the UoB occasionally not getting totalist George Orwell when he is chosen, Fixed UoB companies having values different from much of the rest of the game, Fixed the UK general election beginning before the focus is taken, Fixed Flanders going down the council rule tree when not ruled by the council, World tension is no longer generated by the savoyard crisis if it never escalates, Fixed up an old CoF chain to help the CSA, Mussolini no longer rises from the dead in the fifth SRI congress, Fixed the UKs annexation event for Ireland if it had previously chosen to occupy via its own chain, Switzerland can now properly join the Donau-Adriabund, Fixed a few events for Switzerland not firing at all, The Second Peace with Honour now properly peaces the UoB out with everyone under all circumstances, Fixed a reversed opinion modifier for CoF demanding Romandy, Added sanity checks for Switzerland addressing black monday, Harold Alexander removed as a possible general from the UoB (hes in Canada), Irish ACW decisions can no longer be taken once the ACW is over, The second TUC no longer breaks due to the Lawrence coup, Fixed effects of the Treaty of Arel failing, Countries other than France no no longer automatically get cores Alsace-Lorraine when it is conquered, Fixed an edge case where Switzerland could not recover from Black Monday, Fixed the German Womens Suffrage chain going nowhere, Fixed an event for the death of ex-Chairman Mann for UoB never firing, Fixed Ireland not being able to approach the PSA after they unite America. Fixed Paraguay congratulating Huey Long on his victory despite no longer existing as a country. The icon for the Ideological Loyalty spirit of the army no longer shows a picture of Karl Marx. Buff Indochina by changing 70-day foci to 56. Implemented Irregulars into the Ottoman divisions. Fixed Socialist Russia losing half of Russia's factories when spawning. The Ottomans no longer justify on Azerbaijan. Transamur's ships no longer reference generals in Russia proper. Fixed Adelbert remaining in Wallonia after being deposed by Degrelle. Japan no longer gets Germany's Chinese ports if it has been defeated by China beforehand. Poland will now be released by a player Austria in the form of a puppet monarchy led by Karl Albrecht. Fixed incorrect definition of Canadian battlecruisers (were defined as battleships). Added a leader description for Lithuanias Antanas Maceina. Fixed Armenia not surrendering despite only controlling a lake tile. Fixed Transamur not losing the Japanese national spirits if conquered by a third party. New flags for Adamawa Clique, Afghanistan, Bulgaria (Socialist), Congo, Croatia, Dahomey Eritrea, German State, Hausaland, Korea, Nepal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Somalia, Turkey, Uruguay, Wales, New event pictures for Armenia, Brazil, China, GEA, Iraq, Poland, Russia. Argentinas textile national focus effect is no longer just a penalty, and clarified its national focus tooltip. Fixed Armenia joining Persias faction not working if Persia is already in a faction. Fixed Adelbert not being properly moved between Belgium and Wallonia. Improved the AIs political power rationing and espionage tactics. Fixed a royalist Serbian event increasing the wrong party popularity. Non-socialist and socialist Australasia can now only perform trade missions with non-socialists and socialists respectively. Adjusted the duration of two of Mittelafrikas national foci. Revamped the post-coup politics of the Manchu Coup path for Qing, involving updated events, new national focus effects, potential coalitions and rebalanced national spirits. Improved the accuracy on the Australasian populations. Rebalanced some Turkish national spirits. Japan will now wait a bit longer to attack German East Asia. German East Asia and Mittelafrika can no longer integrate Austria. Poland is now also less likely to join the Reichspakt if Russia has adopted a Realpolitik foreign policy. Fixed the Istanbul Pact not being disbanded when OTT joins Germany. Fixed many potential cases of removing advisor roles accidentally causing crashes to desktop. Fixed the State Transfer Tool not highlighting states. None of the Indian states can do their "incorporate Madras" focuses until they have returned all expeditionary forces for puppets. The Union of Britains AI will slightly increase their emphasis on building more planes. Fixed the Russian/Ottoman peace not giving Kars back to the Ottomans. Fixed Shandong getting the League Collapse national spirit when it shouldn't. Fixed Vietnam not correctly giving resources to German East Asia upon being invested on. Fixed Nehru taking over as leader of the RadSocs in the Dominion of India, before Gandhis death. President Dmitriy will no longer be immortal if the Second Russian Civil War is ongoing. Improved the event text for when the Russo-Ottoman convention fails due to warfare between the two nations. PatAut Norway can now join the Reichspakt if they border the Third International, not just if they are at war with them. The DNF/USGA eco tree has been nerfed/rebalanced, no longer giving free stuff for each crownland and only giving stuff on specific states instead. Armenia (added two military national foci, and an isolationist branch for the totalists). Fixed Germany being able to release an independent French Republic, just after beating them. Fixed Fengtian's advisors not affecting the Divided Governance national spirit. Galcia uniting with Poland after the Austro-Hungarian Empire collapses will no longer result in the latter gaining independence. New terrain art for Cayenne, Ouagadougou, Nassau and Yantai. Nerfed Yunnans land doctrine cost reductions. Fixed majors not improving their plane designs. Overhauled the Indian portraits and rosters. French songs that have been removed: Partant pour la Syrie (main theme, will be re-added later), Au 31 du mois d'aot, Marchal Nous Voil, La Victoire est nous, Aida Triumphal March, La Grenadire, Primer Imperio Francs, Veillons au salut de l'Empire, Made the Trans-Saharan railway a special crossing, Strategic region updates for Britain and the Congo, Ifni is now a separate state from Rio de Oro, Added new border states in Panama and Costa Rica, Restored the correct borders of Burkina Faso, Removed Lake Volta, as it doesnt exist in 1936, Chinese provinces are now displayed on the state screen, Added a British Exile trait for CAN generals and admirals, showing which leaders will return to GBR when it is formed, Added coalitions for Uruguay, the Dominican Republic, Cuba and Panama, If Shanqing forms Qing, they can integrate parts of China, The Manchu Coup is no longer really democratic, and ends elections after 1945, Japan can no longer annex China for a smaller cost, Legation Cities now keep their current government when puppeted, Legation Cities can request allied Chinese concessions, MacArthur can now secure all of Texas and Oklahoma before the Civil War starts. Updated the Spanish states to more closely follow vanilla HoI4. Removed research bonuses for pre-La Rsistance technologies in La Rsistance national spirits. Added a starting basic light tank variant for Australasia, Bharatiya Commune, Brazil, Denmark, Dominion of India, Finland, German splinter states, Greece, Lithuania, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, the Ottoman Empire, Persia, Princely Federation, Romania, Socialist Russia, Serbia, Ukraine, the United Baltic Duchy, White Ruthenia and the West Indies Federation. Fixed the Combined Syndicates election cycle remaining yearly after Butler's coup. Serbias Konspiracija rebellion now removes all puppets. Tweaked the states and provinces on the Peru/Chile and Peru/Colombia borders. 2. Kher, Charles Hamilton Boucher, Chithira Thirunal Balarama Varma, Francis Tuker, Ganga Singh, Geoffrey Scoones, Gurbaksh Singh Dillon, Hari Singh, Hastings Ismay, Herbert Fitzherbert, Jehangir Ratanji Dadabhoy Tata, Khengarji III Sawai Bahadur, Krishna Raja Wadiyar IV, Madapati Hanumantha Rao, Maharaja Ranbir Singh, Mahmood Khan Durrani, Mir Dast, M.N. When American demands Hawaii be re-annexed, Hawaiis faction leader now has a say. Serbias RadSoc game rule will now allow them to remain as RadSoc, even if they are slow in completing their missions to do so. Fixed Slovenia being led by Milan Stojadinovic. Fixed the restoration of the Federalist faction if Chen is betrayed by Zhang. Fixed the American Civil War participants converting factories in states without any. Decreased Zulia's oil reserves in Venezuela. Fixed Switzerland not returning Campione if at war with the owner of Milan. Fixed Sichuan being left alive in Tibet due to Yunnan taking Xikang. Slightly reduced Denmark's welfare state consumer goods penalty. Updated flag render for the Dutch East Indies. All intra-Chinese alignment is now represented by the puppet system. Limburg is now part of Germanys ambition area. Fixed Metaxas in Greece having a syndicalist popularity increased, instead of PatAut. Leader descriptions for all Brazilian leaders. Fixed the player of the German Empire not properly being moved to play as Germany in Exile. Finland is now able to attack for its Greater Finland claims, even if the Nordic Federation has formed. Reduced some of Canada's starting factories and state slots. Lowered the population of South West Africa and has a single factory. Countries can no longer gain autonomy levels unless their overlord is at peace, or they're in the same wars. Fixed the Treaty of Budapest firing even if Germany is already dead. France no longer attacks the Netherlands all the time. Fengtian advisors no longer boost their factions popularity, if they have lost power. Socialist Greece now annexes their puppet Cyprus the same as other ideologies. Fixed socialist Poland keeping military access to Ukraine. Slightly nerfed the Russian armour tech bonuses. Swedish SocDems can no longer cut welfare. Fixed a bug in Yunnans industry national spirit progression. Added Starodub as a new state in Ukraine, replacing Podolia. Fixed Mexico declaring war on countries it has guaranteed the independence of. Added Sergei Korolev and Igor Kurchatov as rocketry and nuclear theorists for Russia, respectively. Qings national focus Improve the Jinghan Railroad now actually improves the railroad. Added Cancel triggers for the Liangguang war decisions. The Ottoman Empire now starts with 1 military factory on support equipment. Changed some national focuses which previously gave a wargoal, to now immediately declare war. Fixed Yemen keeping inappropriate national spirits upon puppeting. Changed the propaganda decisions to one that is used while at peace and one that is used during war. Added an anti-exploit measure to the Treaty of Budapest. Fixed Monarchist Persia not getting election events. Fixed several bugs in the Belgian and Portuguese game rules. Numerous Russian events have either had their descriptions reworked or been replaced by new events entirely, giving more character to Russias political paths. Added improved tooltips to the McNair Plan and Chaffee Plan national focuses for the USA. Central Asian tags may now be invited to the Co-Prosperity Sphere so long as they border one of its members. Ottomans can no longer demand Thrace if they've decided to support Bulgaria. Ireland will now send volunteers to the Kingdom of Spain, instead of the Carlists, unless they are in the Entente or are socialist. Fixed the availabilities of several Kemalist national focuses for Turkey. Japan will no longer naval invade as much. Fixed LKMTs Revolutionary Fever national spirit cancelling too early. Patagonia now has an event to choose what to give the Commune of France / Union of Britain, instead of a 5% stability bonus and 2 factories. Ukraine can now annex Transcarpathia without a penalty. Removed a few small chances for the AI to start WK2 early over small diplomatic incidents. Fixed French Republic cores regaining the colonial resistance modifier. Serbia can now core Serbian-majority states (Kotor, Syrmia, Vojvodina and West Banat) without having formed Yugoslavia itself. Bulgarian PatAuts can now also be invited by Germany into the Reichspakt should Germany be losing, but are less likely to accept than other governments, other than AuthDem republicans. Fixed Galicia joining Poland while in the Brotherhood of Slavs. Fixed George Van Horn Moseley starting as the United States PatAut leader, before being replaced by MacArthur. Trademarks belong to their respective owners. Fixed the winner of the American Civil War declaring war on Puerto Rico that is guaranteed by an Entente that supported them in the American Civil War. Fixed RadSoc Liangguang not getting their correct map colour. Nerfed the Red Baron trait for Germanys Manfred von Richthofen. Fixed Russia sometimes being unable to properly invite potential members into their faction. Fixed monarchy Poland joining the Moscow Accord after not being fully annexed by Russia. Fengtian no longer starts the game with a Japanese guarantee of independence. Turkeys decision to intervene in the Egypt-Entente war is now available earlier. Fixed the New England resistance scripted graphical user interface breaking Wavering Momentum national spirit. Ukraine now starts as an autonomous Oststaat. Sweden - focus tree improvements - focus durations are reduced, added new icons, focus effects, implemented several new focuses and balance changes. The Belgrade Pact now surrenders to Bulgaria if two of its members have capitulated. Fixed Denmarks Vilhelm Buhl not being created correctly after Stauning's death. Fixed the Legation Cities not being released as MarLib when released by American Civil War participants. Fixed some missing localisation in Irish resource extraction events. Fixed an annexation event referring to a non-existent Austrian Empire. Fixed Zhang Junmai not being transferred correctly after the Federalists unify China. Sudwestafrika no longer starts as a puppet of Germany. Fixed the recruitable manpower bonuses being too small, for various countries. Fixed LKMT not being able to form the East Asian Nationalist League if already a faction leader, and not being able to negotiate with its allies. Fixed the event that fires upon the breaking of the Halifax Conference deal firing multiple times. Fixed Karl Albrechts portrait not appearing. Polands decisions to peace out with the Third Internationale or the Moscow Accord no longer need respective high levels of socialist or nationalist support. Added a couple more core-loss failsafes to the ACW events. Replaced repetitive loading screen quote sources with new quotes from: John McLean, H.G. Fixed some bug Haitian national focus tree effects. Fixed Ikhwan led by Duwaish not attacking the Ottomans. Increased the starting fuel for the Union of Britain. Puppet Syria will now more readily complete political national focuses. Added annexation mission for Alsace-Lorraine. Added annexation options for Mittelafrika to receive Namibia, Bechuanaland and Zimbabwe. Fixed Serbias Dragoljub Mihailovic staying around after he was killed. Effects of the Ottoman stability of the realm modifier slightly reduced: Costs and effects of Ottoman state interactions slightly reduced: Now also adds supportive deputies to the Ottoman parliament. Fixed an edge case where giving Lombardy to Venice meant the Lombardy/Venice annexation decisions couldn't appear later. The Commune of France's reaction to Austria backing Switzerland is now modulated by the Weltkrieg game rule. Moved several sea tiles from the East Africa Coast and South West Indian Ocean, to the Mozambique Channel. King Nicolae I can succeed instead of Michael. Carlist Spain and CNT-FAI now start with cores on all of Spain. Updated Canadas text to account for the now lower numbers of British exiles. Austria will now join the Reichspakt during the Weltkrieg, if it is bordered by a Russia-aligned Bulgaria. Added a decision for Chile to attack an Argentina that is a puppet of Paraguay. Updated some Estonia, Romania, United Baltic Duchy, Tibet, White Ruthenia and Xinjiang national focus icons. Countries are now removed from major research groups when annexed. Buffed Shanxis New Central Army national spirit, so that it doesnt result in 0% recruitable manpower when combined with other debuffs. Morocco can now only join the Cairo Pact after the latter has beaten the Ottomans. Added a cancel trigger to Nicaragua's decision to attack Honduras. Fixed Japan's economic integration national spirits invalidating, for their own puppets. The Ottoman Renaissance idea now applies to all possible revolters. Existing Mittelafrikan revolters now peace out with the Reichspakt when Mittelafrika falls apart. A released Eritrea now follows its historical borders. Unfortunately, as we've noted before, this hotfix \will* break saves. Added an event to the French Republic, informing them that they have new national focuses, upon reclaiming the Mtropole. Commune of France's Savoy focus now bypasses if Switzerland is socialist. HOi4 console commands. Fixed a Puerto Rico focus creating units via incorrect means. Added a tooltip stating that Polands nationalist uprising will be disabled if they are already in government. Zhili and Federal Sichuan now have the correct ministers. Bikaner Camel Corps now actually consists of camels. Increased Germanys stability loss caused by Black Monday. Fixed the Combined Syndicates of America getting empty British airframes. Remove stability by using a negative number. As always, you can download previous versions of the mod manually from our mediafire if you desperately need to complete your game. Fixed the Canadian governor general not being set correctly. Fixed the Yunnan foreign policy game rule options for Long Yun. The Combined Syndicates of America can now demand that New England rejoin them, if Canada is gone. South Africas tree now unlocks if it is puppeted before 1938. Quick questions HOI4 version: Kaiserreich version: Describe the change you would like: I'd like a rework on the Totalist and Syndicalist Focus Tree, certain events and politicians and possible leaders. The Lingering Communard Influence spirit now has two levels, Libya and its allies no longer blockade their own caravan routes, Nancys forts are dismantled if Germany asks for border fort dismantlement as a condition at the Congress of Lyon, Syria can now finish its authoritarian political tree, You can only cement the democratic coalition in National France if you have not taken the other paths to empower Parliament or the PSF, Fix some typos in the National France localization file, YUN's generic design company is now actually generic, Coring coastal Guyana now cores the jungle as well, A democratic National France should be less prone to immediately attempting to wage war against a German backed puppet France, Coring NFA claims in Europe also has a PP cost attached to it instead of just time, Secret Deal for Austria now doesnt let you do both Military Occupation and Status Quo. Germany can no longer invite Iron Guard Romania to the Reichspakt when it is a faction other than the Belgrade Pact, Changed the name of the Belgian-Dutch alliance to BeNeSam. Fixed the Siamese monarch not being replaced correctly upon their death if Sarit Thanarat restores the monarchy. Consolidated the starting Transamurian division templates. Tweaked the industrial, compliance and weekly stability effects in a few Manchu Qing national spirits. Fixed socialist Netherlands joining the Reichspakt. Streamlined the German The Oil Must Flow section of their national focus tree, allowing Germany to ally with Azerbaijan and/or Georgia, pre-war. Fixed the Ma Clique being annexed to Shanxi after losing the Northwest War even if they joined a faction. Fixed Austria being able to invite Albania, while intervening in the Fourth Balkan War. Fixed Bhutan being able to militarily occupy Tibet when they can claim it. Spain can now bypass certain focuses depending on its level of social breakdown, Carlist Spain now always receives the cores it should, Sabotage event no longer fires for Spain at the start of the game, Romania now loses Belgrade Pact opinion modifiers when it leaves the Pact, Italy can no longer join Austrias faction when at war, Fixed Stamboliyski being killed off if Bulgaria is annexed by Serbia, Fixed Greek monarchy cosmetic tags being sometimes misapplied, Tuscany and Italy can no longer both be ruled by the same person, Austria can no longer restore a dead Wilhelm zu Wied in Albania, The annexations of Bulgaria are now much less likely to leave odd leftover territory, Socialist Bulgaria can no longer join the Donau-Adriabund, Fixed Greece being locked out of focuses after losing the Balkan War. Fixed the second German national focus about the Don-Kuban Union bypassing incorrectly. Fixed Jabal Shammar joining the Cairo Pact war, while still being at war against its own revolts. Fixed the carrier size stat in some cases not being updated correctly to post-By Blood Alone changes. German East Asias fleet will be transferred to Germany if the latter signs a peace treaty with Japan. Fixed numerous typos and text inconsistencies. Fixed Koreas Jo So-ang and Chough Pyung-ok having the wrong leader descriptions. Belgiums national focus to Mobilise the Reserves now grants extra manpower, rather than spawning divisions. Increased the chances for Australasia to turn syndicalist. Nerfed Bosnias state category and removed its civilian factory. Fixed Idris forming Ifriqiya without owning Tripolitania. Adjusted the country names for various Mittelafrikan splinter states, depending on ideology. Fixed hundreds of text spellings and inconsistencies. Fixed the IMRO rebellion firing for puppet Serbia.

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hoi4 change ideology command kaiserreich