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evolutionary psychologists are most likely to emphasize

a. b.)altruism. a. An evolutionary psychologist would be likely to suggest that human preferences for sweet-tasting foods. )The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) )medulla d.)less likely to be the same sex and less likely to be similar in extraversion. a. e. )lobotomy Therefore, variations in cognition and behavior would make individuals more or less successful in reproducing and passing those genes to their offspring. d.)attribution theory, b. personality; political attitudes d.)cell nucleus. Lenore most likely suffers from a(n): c.)psychological )Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) b. 30 Questions Show answers. Gwen is quite upset and asks why she is always the one who cooks, cleans, and takes care of the children the majority of the time. Lenore is continually tense and plagued by muscle tension, sleeplessness, and an inability to concentrate. b. influences that affect our mating decisions. b. d.)major depressive disorder. What is the probability that AAA occurs? a. Abraham Maslow suggested that individuals who are open, spontaneous, and not paralyzed by the opinions of others display: d.)posttraumatic stress disorder, In one study (Seal et al., 2007) of 103,788 veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, _____ percent were diagnosed with a psychological disorder, in which the most frequent diagnosis was posttraumatic stress disorder. b. b. a. )medical model. She is constantly worried about her home life even when she is at work. c.)social exchange theory What is the probability that B2B_2B2 occurs? )transference a. They vandalized the opposing team's field and the police had to be called in. Which brain structure relays information from the eyes to the visual cortex? hormones. c.)She can make sure the participants know that she has a Ph.D. from a prestigious university. )obsessive-compulsive disorder c.)escape from real-life pressures offered by psychotherapy. b. )learned helplessness. Parents should not take too much blame for the failures and shortcomings of their children because: d. parental behavior is only one of many factors that influence children's behavior, Those who inappropriately attribute children's troubling personality traits to inadequate parental nurture should be reminded of the importance of, Identical twins who have separate placentas are somewhat less similar than identical twins who share a placenta. c.)is analogous to Freud's concept of the preconscious. )EMDR d.)evolution. d.)nicotine can temporarily decrease norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter overabundant in people with depression. Gina's chronic case of "the blues" is characteristic of the psychological disorder called: d. not realizing that the person may be rushing to get to the hospital. b. d.)repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation, c.)Amy effectively cope with a seasonal pattern for major depressive disorder. )natural selection. answer choices. The child's chances ________ if the adopted parents have schizophrenia. As such, evolutionary psychologists would be most likely to predict that certain behaviors and traits are more likely to be present in individuals because they have been selected for over time due to their adaptive value in the environment in which they evolved. a. She knows a little about different therapies and has decided she doesn't want to get involved in anything long term. This most strongly suggests that dissociative identity disorder may involve: )schizotypal personality disorder. b. chromosomes. This is to going to evolutionary psychologist explain useful mental psychology assumes that in evolutionary psychology and behavior. )Larry effectively cope with dissociative identity disorder. Client-centered therapists emphasize the importance of: )educational goals. c.)the fundamental attribution error. )partial b. but when his son has a fistfight he says, "Did you win?!" )dysfunctional disorder He felt very uncomfortable about having done this until he convinced himself that copying answers is not wrong if classmates are careless enough to expose their test sheets. a. The Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board has a link to all agency Performance and Accountability Reports or Agency Financial Reports. Your judgment best illustrates: The students at the University charged the field after the game in response to their team's loss. )standardization; validity Dr. Donelian wants to reduce his students' perception that psychological experiments merely document the obvious. Immediately you yell out "Crazy driver!" a.)rumination. )mental retardation Gina has worked as a human resources specialist for several years, but she doesn't really like the job. c.)evolutionary psychologist. )factor analytic 1. c.)Maslow's hierarchy of needs. c.)"It works better on females than on males." )narcissistic )63 )biopsychosocial Evolutionary psychology works backward to propose an explanation; thus, any behavior can be explained Evolutionary psychologists have suggested that women prefer monogamy and men promiscuity in ensuring the survival of their genetic material. a. People who are troubled by repetitive thoughts or actions are suffering from: e. a. According to _____________, by altering your behavior you stand a good chance of changing your attitude. This best illustrates the influence of ________ on development, Carl and Shirley are both mentally retarded because their mothers drank heavily during their embryonic development. a. )unconscious fear. Evolutionary psychologists would be most likely to predict that: b.)deindividuation. a. a. Briefly identify the agencys financial situation by answering the following questions. B) describe how experimental hypotheses were derived from basic psychological principles. \hline )molecular genetics )less curiosity about their environment. c.)selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI). c.)phobia. c.)depression. d.)empathy. d. heritability. An adopted child's chances of developing schizophrenia ________ if the biological parents have schizophrenia. The two sisters are most strikingly different in, Exceptionally timid and cautious infants tend to become shy and unassertive adolescents. a. )the foot-in-the-door phenomenon. a.)hallucinations. b. c.)genuineness. a. forties. c.)clients have no need to believe or promote that the therapy was effective. Naima washes her hands about 50 times a day because she is afraid of the germs that seem to be everywhere. a. b. a. )overestimating the consistency of behavior from one situation to another. Letting another person know that we sense and understand the feelings he or she is expressing to us best demonstrates: a. \end{array} The early school of psychology known as functionalism was developed by: William James Which psychologist was the first woman to receive a Ph.D. in psychology after Harvard University declined to give Mary Calkins the Ph.D.? failing to consider unconscious motivations. When scientists compared the brains of rats raised in an enriched environment with the brains of rats raised in an impoverished environment, the rats raised in an enriched environment had: 564 The reproductive advantage enjoyed by organisms best suitedto a particular environment is . evolutionary psychology, the study of behaviour, thought, and feeling as viewed through the lens of evolutionary biology. The only type of treatment that can bring her out of depression quickly and potentially save her life is: He hears voices, has disturbed emotions, and his behavior is very bizarre and erratic. d. c.)Factor analysis )maladaptive Thus, genes are said to be: Dr. Miller is studying the evolution of behavior and the mind, using principles of natural selection. )Shanghai )cognitive dissonance. )illustrate neural plasticity. A reduced level of synchronized neural activity in the frontal lobes has been associated with symptoms of: This ____________ will likely influence Cynthia to act negatively toward her neighbor. d.)long-term potentiation. Although Wendy is genetically male, she dresses in women's clothes in order to express her strong sense of identity as a female. d.)schemas. Thus, her behavior is the result of: )latency factors that trigger us to behave aggressively towards others. Cognitive perspective studies our mental processes. )professional training and experience of the therapist. )disordered thinking. )more; less a. )other's pursuit of their self-interest can harm our well-being. a. DSM-5 provides mental health professionals with: Diane is constantly concerned about things at work even when she is at home. Evolutionary psychology is most likely to emphasize that human adaptiveness to a variety of different environments has contributed to - 28529382 Tudily805 Tudily805 09/07/2022 medulla )the mere exposure effect. b. Why?Because people are greedy.) genomes. b. )the id A basic element of all effective psychotherapies is the: d.)A paper-and-pencil. d.)patient attempting to blame friends and acquaintances for his or her problems. d. What is the probability that AAA or B3B_3B3 occurs? Frank was seen laughing inappropriately in the library and he appeared to be responding to internal stimuli. a. Cognitive therapists are most likely to emphasize that emotional disturbances result from: d.)mood linkage. )5 in 10 He cannot concentrate at work and has been calling in sick at least once each week. Children's English accents are more likely to be influenced by their ________ than by their ________. Virtual reality exposure therapy is most likely to prove effective in the treatment of: in different species, which may be influenced by evolution. Evolutionary psychologists emphasize that. B) children are more likely to be valued by their biological fathers than by theirstepfathers. a. d.)evolutionary psychology. a. First is evolutionary theory, which claims that behavioral tendencies, physical characteristics, and personality features that promote our chances to survive and reproduce become, by that virtue,. a. b. A large-scale World Health Organization (2004) studybased on 90-minute interviews of 60,463 peopleestimated the number of prior-year mental disorders in 20 countries. d.)underestimating the potential influence of biological factors on personality development. e. Given that B2B_2B2 has occurred, what is the probability that AAA occurs? )patient's unconscious attempts to block the process of revealing repressed memories and conflicts. a. nature or nurture. c.)children are more likely to be safely cared for by their biological fathers than by their stepfathers. What is this process called? )behavior geneticist. Yen increase the likelihood of the participants' obedience? To help Monica overcome her nearly irresistible craving for chocolate, a therapist provides her with a supply of chocolate candies that contain solidified droplets of a harmless but very bitter-tasting substance. You agree. d.)light exposure therapy. )group polarization. )posttraumatic stress disorder )have hindered human reproduction. b. )including some conditions that are too "normal" to be considered disorders, such as extreme sadness related to bereavement. )Employed women have an hour more time to devote to taking care of the children. )stress a. b. c.)An empirically derived The BLS does not specifically identify evolutionary psychology as a separate field, however, the American Psychological Association places the annual yearly salary for experimental psychology - a closely related field - at a range of $76,090-$116,343. Jonah has schizophrenia. c.)panic disorder. c. the study of how the environment triggers genetic expression. There are a host of factors that influence the salary that an evolutionary psychologist . Incorrect natural selection. This compulsive overthinking is called: )anorexia nervosa. d.)erotic plasticity. Rana washes her hands about 50 times a day because she is a nurse practitioner and she knows that it is an important part of her job. left-handers generally demonstrate less artistic competence than right-handers. d.)major depressive disorder. b. Dr. Miller is studying the evolution of behavior and the mind using principles of natural selection. )psychodynamic therapy. d.)bipolar disorder. a. )repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS). ______________ is a statistical procedure that can be used to identify clusters of behaviors that are related to a trait. Incorrect. Last week Tate went into the hospital for a painful medical procedure. )Prozac )preconscious c.)agoraphobia. Sigmund Freud c.)interpersonal psychotherapy. )the unconscious. The best way to detect enlarged fluid-filled brain regions in some patients who have schizophrenia is to use a(n) a. )generalized anxiety disorder. the way that genes solely create our personalities. b. c.)have increased autonomic nervous system arousal when awaiting aversive events. Identical twins separated at birth would be most likely to have similar d.)extraversion. In a group discussion, women are ________ likely than men to express support for others' opinions. a. The localization of a function such as speech production to the right or left side of the brain is called However, monogamous relationships can also be explained using an evolutionary perspective. This best illustrates, Mutations are gene replication errors that lead to a change in the sequence of, Evolutionary psychology would be most helpful for understanding the ________ human aggression. overemphasizing humans' capacity to learn and adapt to a variety of environments. As you are driving to campus one day another car cuts you off and speeds ahead. Why is Naima's hand washing considered part of a psychological disorder, while Rana's is not? Which country had the lowest rate of diagnosed psychological disorders? c. \text{American Instruments bonds}& \$ 850,000\\ c.)mutation. Incorrect psychotherapy. e. e. a. d.)posttraumatic stress disorder. c. As Daniel de Vis, a writer for The Hill, recently noted, more than 60 percent of the country's young men are single, "nearly twice . Cross-cultural research on human development indicates that: b. developmental processes are highly similar among individuals raised in different cultures. home environment and school environment. b. )9 in 10 d.)1 week, A patient recently admitted to the hospital is complaining of auditory hallucinations. Monogamy (/ m n m i / m-NOG--mee) is a form of dyadic relationship in which an individual has only one partner during their lifetime. c.)moral instinct )borderline personality disorder. d.)is the part of the unconscious mind that reflects human evolutionary history and is common to all people. a.)asexual. b. Discuss. Under hypnosis, they typically expressed a second personality when prompted to do so by the examining psychiatrist. a. b. a. )if adopted children's adoptive parents have schizophrenia, they will, too. Evolutionary psychologists emphasize that environmentally adaptive behaviors are those that have promoted: a. reproductive success The prevalence of genetically predisposed traits which have a reproductive advantage is best explained in terms of: b. natural selection The role of Edgar's reactions in the gender-typing of his children would be of most direct concern to: According to gender schema theory, children become gender-typed because they, b. perceive much of reality in terms of masculinity and femininity. a. Updated January 19, 2023 by BetterHelp Editorial Team. d.)social facilitation. Evolutionary psychologists are most directly concerned with the impact of ________ on behavior. Sep. 1. c.)schizotypal personality disorder. a. a. cerebellum. )panic attacks. b. Nancy's therapist is an active listener who often paraphrases what she says. Third, most versions of Marxist theory gave greater emphasis to human agency or ability consciously to shape the direction of social change than was typical of evolutionary theory. nature and nurture. )posttraumatic growth. )attitudes toward and interaction with school authorities. a. Dr. Pimler is conducting a study on a new antipsychotic medication. d.)less; less. b. b. a. Your friend yells at you for being five minutes late for lunch. b. c.)patient's inability to distinguish between real events and dream images. The following selected transactions relate to investment activities of Ornamental Insulation Corporation during 2021. This best illustrates: b. )obsessive-compulsive disorder. )nicotine can temporarily increase norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter scarce in people with depression. b. b.)agoraphobia. See Page 1. b.)types. d.)molecular genetics. a. behavior and mental processes. AmericanInstrumentsbondsM&DCorporationbonds(Hint:Interestmustbeaccrued.)$850,000$1,460,000. c.)group polarization. We are interested in the population proportion of people who feel the president is doing an acceptable job. b. )sexual dysfunctions. Contrary to finding a middle-aged man and behavior often emphasized sex with emotional closeness psychology of dating prospects. Parents and peers have complementary influences on children; but peers have a more important influence on: )Asperger syndrome A. b. genetic mutations. How can Dr. Psychodynamic therapy has been found to be especially successful in the treatment of: amygdala b. )She can have a second confederate in the room; the confederate should be a role model for defiant behavior. b.)glutamate. )developmental psychology c.)are genetically predisposed. a. A baby girl receives a(n) ________ chromosome from her ________. c.)electroconvulsive therapy a. Because he believes that "real men have no fears," 8-year-old George has difficulty accepting the fact that his father is fearful of losing his job. a. b. c.)empirically derived genes or prenatal factors play a role in handedness. humanistic psychology, a movement in psychology supporting the belief that humans, as individuals, are unique beings and should be recognized and treated as such by psychologists and psychiatrists. a.)deindividuation. Q. a. c.)the superego )double helix. d.)major depressive disorder. a.)self-concept. c.)hoarding disorder Evolutionary psychologists would be most likely to attribute gender differences and attitudes towards sex to the fact that men have _____ than do women. hippocampus d.)7 in 10. Since the beginnings of philosophical thought, the question of the nature and origin of pain has developed. c.)role playing. ", Personality inventories are to _______________ as projective tests are to _______________. Adoptive parents are most likely to influence the ________ of their adopted children. b) the X chromosome. )clients transfer their problems onto their therapists, but the problem still exists. d.)Ninety percent of the time the mother stays home with the children when they are sick. b. PET scan. e. )gives rise to two personality types, the introvert and the extravert. a. Edgar responds to his daughter's fistfight with, "Good girls don't fight!" c.)are genetically predisposed. a. c.)hope, a new perspective, and a caring relationship. )stimulus generalization. A 3-month-old baby girl is always cheerful, relaxed, and predictable in terms of sleeping and eating. sperm or eggs. Diagram the conflict process model and describe six structural sources of conflict in organizations. a. Evolutionary psychology studies the evolution of behavior andthe mind using principles of humanistic psychology. Three benefits attributed to all psychotherapies are: X-ray. d.)social facilitation. )Darlene effectively cope with posttraumatic stress disorder. b. In the evolutionary view, any animal's brain and body are composed of mechanisms designed to work . b. )Tonya, who has the positive symptoms of schizophrenia Diane has a free-floating anxiety that leaves her tense, irritable, impairs her concentration, and leaves her with many sleepless nights. d. Evolutionary psychologists emphasize that environmentally adaptive behaviors are those that have promoted reproductive success. a greater proportion of women than men are left-handed. a.)phobia. The Psycho dynamic Approach. )the phallic Yen is designing an experiment on obedience to authority. Traditionally, psychologists have found sensation to be more interesting. b. norms. Retrieve the most recent report for the agency you picked and answer the following questions. )the trait perspective. )more; more A. larger bodies b. c.)3 weeks Since the time of Darwin, there have been many other scientists who have. On the bus home, he was crying uncontrollably and suddenly became angered when a fellow passenger offered him a tissue. )both a common language for labeling psychological disorders and comprehensive guidelines for diagnosing them. )loss of appetite, especially for high-calorie foods In terms of Freud's theory of personality, Mary's memories are stored at the _____ level of awareness. George's experience is most directly explained by: By insisting that humans are "nothing but" products of nature and nurture, we run the greatest risk of undermining: Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson. Child age . d.)conscious, b. Her judgment best illustrates: Evolutionary psychology studies the evolution of behavior and the mind using principles of natural selection Evolutionary psychologists are most likely to emphasize that human adaptiveness to a variety of different environments has contributed to human reproductive success. d.)social-cognitive perspective. \hline & \boldsymbol{B}_1 & \boldsymbol{B}_2 & \boldsymbol{B}_3 & \boldsymbol{B}_4 \\ Billy has an identical twin who was recently diagnosed with bipolar disorder. the ability to solve problems, reason, and remember. The principles of evolutionary psychology would suggest that parents experience the strongest grief over the deaths of their: Compared with men, women are ________ likely to read pornographic material and ________ likely to refuse direct requests for casual sex. Stephen Ilardi and his colleagues have developed training seminars promoting therapeutic lifestyle change. Even though Mary was not thinking about the events surrounding the day of her high school graduation, she can easily bring memories about that day to conscious awareness. This approach to treatment best illustrates: d.)empathy. c.)overestimating the importance of reciprocal determinism on adult personality traits. b. )generalized anxiety disorder d.)All of these things classify Naima's behavior as a psychological disorder. )light exposure therapy. d.)client-centered. c.)seek healthy-looking mates. d.)client-centered therapy. d.)disorganized thoughts. a. Her selective attention is deficient, she is unable to ignore irrelevant stimuli, and she often gives her undivided attention to minute stimuli (for example, a spotlight shining in a window). )the mere exposure effect. Which of the following has been demonstrated to provide relief for those who suffer from a seasonal pattern of depression symptoms? d.)moral integrity. C) people are the most romantically attracted to those who are the most genetically dissimilar to themselves. b. The evolutionary perspective suggests that this tendency to dwell on the negative more than the positive is simply one way the brain tries to keep us safe. b.)schizophrenia. )Freud; Billie Joe Armstrong Acquired 8% Distribution Transformers Corporation bonds costing $400,000 at face value. a. d.)passionate love. )panic disorder. a. c.)schizophrenia. D) overestimating cultural differences in human sexual behaviors. )helping clients identify a hierarchy of anxiety-arousing experiences. b. )the double-blind technique. Development Research suggests that this negativity bias starts to emerge in infancy. Research on left-handedness suggests that Choose one of the CFO Act agencies to evaluate. If you have an intense fear of speaking in public, eating out, or going to parties, you may be suffering from: Uploaded By Jah70ssan. b. b. b. b.)resistance. a. b. In a disorder called _____, the person suffers from repetitive, intrusive, and unwanted thoughts and repetitive behaviors that the individual feels driven to perform. c.)increase; do not increase It is an election year, and a volunteer asks if you would put a small sign in your yard. a. DNA; genes a.)serotonin. Evolutionary psychologists would most likely attribute Jack's motivation to, Evolutionary psychologists are most likely to be criticized for, Evolutionary psychology would probably have the most difficulty accounting for, c. differences in the sexual behavior patterns of Americans and Russians, Twin studies are of most direct concern to. lateralization. c.)comprehensive guidelines for diagnosing only treatment-resistant mental disorders. In contrast to Freud, which of the following did psychoanalyst Karen Horney emphasize as important during personality development? Margaret Washburn Who would be most likely to emphasize the role of the unconscious in affecting behavior? )generalized anxiety disorder. a) evolutionary psychologist. c.)schizophrenia patients suffer from a deficiency of the neurotransmitter serotonin. synapses. Test Prep. a. d c.)generalized anxiety disorder. underestimating gender differences in mate selection. )Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), _____ test is a projective personality test in which people tell what they see in a series of symmetrical inkblots. d.)those not undergoing therapy often improve, but those undergoing therapy are more likely to improve, and to improve more quickly and with less risk of relapse.

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evolutionary psychologists are most likely to emphasize