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ceausescu last speech transcript

PROSECUTOR: Did you hear the charges? Please make a note that here it has been stated that all legal regulations have been observed, that this is a legal trial. Workers, military units and other popular organizations were bused to the capitol and given orders on where to stand, when to applaud and what to sing. All Rights Reserved. Its just that he makes it so hard to do so.. CEAUSESCU: I do not recognize this court. We have ensured an apartment for every citizen through corresponding laws. PROSECUTOR: That is to say, as a deputy prime minister you did not know about the genocide? In fact, his speech on August 21, 1968 in defiance of the military actions taken by Moscow and a few of her allies in Czechoslovakia roused quite a considerable amount of support for not only himself, but for the Patriot Guards as well. Ceauescus hated son, Nicu, a one-time candidate to follow his father as the countrys leader, was said to have been arrested in the city of Sibiu as he was trying to take hostages. The produce which the peasants grew was exported, and the peasants came from the most remote provinces to Bucharest and to the other cities in order to buy bread. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for The Land of Green Plums, Mller, Herta at the best online prices at eBay! Why did you ruin the country so much: Why did you export everything? Free elections would be held as soon as possible, and independent media would be established. Do you want to sign this statement? They cultivated the soil in line with your orders and had nothing to eat. Fiction. The notorious programme of razing villages in the countryside would be halted. Video of Ceausescu's Last Speech, December 1989 Annotation One of the most decisive moments in the Romanian Revolution of 1989 was Ceausescu's December 21st speech (or lack thereof). In the essay The Use of Knowledge in Society, Hayek argued that in complex systems the relevant facts are dispersed among many people. The counsel for the defense now takes the floor and instructs the Ceausescus once again that they have the right to defense and that they should accept this right. ELENA CEAUSESCU: The intelligentsia of the country will hear what you are accusing us of. The prosecutor agrees, but stresses that they lived in them while the people suffered. We will speak only at the National Assembly, because we have worked hard for the people all our lives. PROSECUTOR: You have never been able to hold a dialogue with the people. Defendant, if you had no accounts in Switzerland, will you sign a statement confirming that the money that may be in Switzerland should be transferred to the Romanian state, the State Bank. Ceausescu relates his recent meeting with Dubcek in Prague in August 1968. In response, the two laugh, and she says: We do not stay abroad. How to Debate Leftists and Destroy Them: 11 Rules for Winning the Argument. Answer this question! This demonstrates their lack of understanding. Not a single shot. After an outage of transmission of Romanian television, the speaker announces the verdict in the trial of Elena and Nicolae Ceauescu is death sentence. PROSECUTOR: We have always spoken of equality. Those moments of Ceausescus weakness and the power of popular pressure explain why, a mere 48 hours later, Ceausescu was attempting to flee Romania, all power lost. Tyrannies are buried by the shovel of self-deception. Elena says: Look, and that they are calling genocide. Nobody is likely to rise up and become a Man on Horseback. The Lion and the Unicorn: Gladstone vs. Disraeli Transcript of the closed trial of Nicolae and Elena Ceauescu One momentCeauescu was in total control of Romania, determined to crush his enemies. They carried out acts that are incompatible with human dignity and social thinking; they acted in a despotic and criminal way; they destroyed the people whose leaders they claimed to be. The prosecutor asks the counsel for the defense to ask Ceauescu whether he knows that he is no longer president of the country, that Elena Ceauescu has also lost all her official state functions and that the government has been dissolved. If you had had a mental illness and admitted this, you would not be responsible for your acts. The bill of indictment contains the following points: Genocide, in accordance with Article 356 of the penal code. Dressed in a black Persian lamb hat with matching coat collar, Ceausesecu, 71, was . PROSECUTOR: We have wonderful programs. Faithless Execution: Building the Political Case for Obamas Impeachment Only the front rows supported Ceauescu with cheers and applause, with most of the crowd remaining impassive. Ti-mi-oa-ra!a chant that was soon picked up by others in the crowd. What happened was that he was misled by Centralized Information. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Mr. President, I would like to know something: The accused should tell us who the mercenaries are. One in four of the population is believed to have a member. Here Nicolae Ceausescu steps in and defends her. Unprecedented Interruption of Ceausescu's Speech With AM - AP NEWS PROSECUTOR: Note the following: the defendant refuses to sign this statement. No one can dissolve the National Assembly. Recent items of interest by Belmont readers based on Amazon click-throughs. Centralized Information as Hayek points out, eventually becomes the Official Lie. They used to fetch people from orphans' homes or from abroad whom they trained in special institutions to become murderers of their own people. The English translation is by the U.S. government's Foreign Broadcast Information Service. Please make a note that here it has been stated that all legal regulations have been observed, that this is a legal trial. Because of the crimes they committed against the people, I plead, on behalf of the victims of these two tyrants, for the death sentence for the two defendants. Who pays them? Transcript of the closed trial of Nicolae and Elena Ceauescu, https://en.wikisource.org/w/index.php?title=Transcript_of_the_closed_trial_of_Nicolae_and_Elena_Ceauescu&oldid=6470911, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. In the early evening, it was announced that a National Democracy Committee had been formed, made up of uncompromised military commanders, students and intellectuals. You have destroyed the Romanian villages and the Romanian soil. He answers: I am the president of Romania, and I am the commander in chief of the Romanian army. PROSECUTOR: Did you know about the genocide in Timisoara? Only a president who is still confirmed in his position can demand to speak at the Grand National Assembly. What prevents him from doing so? PROSECUTOR: So far, they have always claimed that we have built this country, we have paid our debts, but with this they bled the country to death and have hoarded enough money to ensure their escape. What do you think? After many people began to exit the square, Ceauescu shouted over the public address system for them to "remain seated". Nicolae Ceauescu (Romanian pronunciation: [nikola.e tea.uesku]; 26 January 1918 -- 25 December 1989) was a Romanian Communist politician. CEAUSESCU: I do not recognize this new forum. PROSECUTOR: So you know the new forum. PROSECUTOR: Note: He does not recognize the points mentioned in the bill of indictment. PROSECUTOR: Please, ask Nicolae and Elena Ceauescu whether they have ever had a mental illness. One of the most decisive moments in the Romanian Revolution of 1989 was Ceausescus December 21st speech (or lack thereof). Powered by Omeka, Roy Rosenzweig Center for History & New Media. ELENA CEAUESCU: We will not sign any statement. I have nothing to do with them. CEAUSESCU: I do not recognize this court. . Ceauescu's speech of 21 August 1968 [English Subtitles] Transcrierea discursului lui Ceauescu: 01:08 Nicolae Ceauescu: Dragi tovari. The Securitate had hidden food reserves on which Bucharest could have survived for months, the whole of Bucharest. TheWashington Timesreports that a top intelligence official is accusing the Obama admininistration of funding a terror network for the next ten years, alleging the administration paid a cash ransom to redeem Bowe Bergdahl. I have done everything to create a decent and rich life for the people in the country, like in no other country in the world. ELENA CEAUESCU: Accounts in Switzerland? I only recognize the working class and the Grand National Assembly -- no one else. The trial of Nicolae and Elena Ceauescu was held on 25 December 1989 by an Exceptional Military Tribunal, a drumhead court-martial created at the request of a newly formed group called the National Salvation Front. Therefore, it is a mistake for the two accused to refuse to cooperate with us. The charges are incorrect, and I will not answer a single question here. You were not used to talking to the people. I would not call for the death sentence, but it would be incomprehensible for the Romanian people to have to go on suffering this great misery and not to have it ended by sentencing the two Ceauescus to death. Only a few hours before the Genius of the Carpathians had been in apparently complete command. PROSECUTOR: This would serve your defense. The crowd, now totaling up to 80,000, were given orders on where to stand, when to applaud and what to sing. The prosecutor wants to find out on which basis the trial can be continued. We live in a normal apartment, just like every other citizen. Romania's dictator Nicolae Ceausescu's final speech (executed 12/25) More Notable Events on December 21: 1997 Detroit Lions Barry Sanders is 3rd to run for 2,000 yards in a season 1991 U.S. actress Jane Fonda marries CNN-director Ted Turner 1989 Dan Quayle sends out 30,000 Xmas cards with word beacon spelled beakon Sooner or later an administration neuters itself from sheer implausibility. As a result, the prosecutor says: Elena has always been talkative, but otherwise she does not know much. They organized the putsch. ROMANIA: DEATH OF A DICTATOR : Ceausescu--Tyrant Who Posed as a NICOLAE CEAUESCU: What an obscene provocation. PROSECUTOR: This situation is known. You have acted in a very irresponsible manner; you led the country to the verge of ruin and you will be convicted on the basis of the points contained in the bill of indictment. A horse or a hearse? The bill of indictment contains the following points: Genocide, in accordance with Article 356 of the penal code. In the second stage their edicts become unenforceable from sheer impracticability. In the wake of growing tension over an uprising in Timioara in which thousands were reportedly killed, Ceauescu decided to give a nationally televised speech before a crowd in Palace Square . NICOLAE CEAUESCU: You as officers should know that the government cannot give the order to shoot. At that very moment, many everyday Romanians saw the weakness of Ceauescu's regime for the first time. Only a president who is still confirmed in his position can demand to speak at the Grand National Assembly. Its provisional leader is the 73-year-old former Foreign Minister, Mr Corneliu Mnescu. PROSECUTOR: The terrorists are from Securitate? CEAUSESCU: We had no account in Switzerland. How can one say something like this? All the world should know what is going on here. No Way In at Amazon Kindle $8.95, print $9.99. I will not answer you putschists, Ceausescu says. KGB technicians and agents made one of the most brilliant moves and played a recording of whistles and protests through installed speakers in the square. NICOLAE CEAUESCU: She was not a deputy prime minister, but the first deputy prime minister. He still considers himself to be the country's president and the commander in chief of the army. I now ask the court to pass a verdict on the basis of the law, because everybody must receive due punishment for the offenses he has committed. I now ask the court to pass a verdict on the basis of the law, because everybody must receive due punishment for the offenses he has committed. Ford said of his resignation,I was no longer in a position where I felt I could defend the American policy. Sooner or later inability to credit yoga or videos produced in Los Angeles as actual factors becomes more and more widespread. Ceauescu claims that the putsch was organized from abroad. PROSECUTOR: This is how you worked with the people and exercised your functions! About Video of Ceausescu's Last Speech, December 1989 | Making the History of PROSECUTOR: Nicolae Ceauescu should tell us why he does not answer our questions. Yet there is a big difference between grousing, which is endemic to the military, and actual rebellion. Any actual attempts to fine 30 million Americans would end in a political disaster. NICOLAE CEAUESCU: I do not recognize this court. Bundled in drab winter clothing, she was shoved around by armed guards inside a cold, empty building. PROSECUTOR: You have never been able to hold a dialogue with the people. A tyrant stops knowing the difference. The catastrophic situation of the country is known all over the world. We want a legal trial. Historical place Mark's spot where Ceausescu had his last speech PROSECUTOR: The terrorists are from Securitate? "Video of Ceausescus Last Speech, December 1989," Making the History of 1989, Item #696, https://chnm.gmu.edu/1989/items/show/696 (accessed May 28 2021, 3:24 pm). His 1936 mugshot at age 18 still haunts the internet. It should be stated once and for all that this military court is absolutely legal and that the former positions of the two Ceauescus are no longer valid. The streets and squares of Bucharest were littered with torn portraits and shattered busts of the President and his wife. This shows again how false the charges are. This gang will be destroyed. Making use of Marxist-Leninist rhetoric, he delivered a litany of the achievements of the "socialist revolution" and Romanian "multi-laterally developed . By the way, I will not answer any more questions. PROSECUTOR: Did you know about the genocide or did you, as a chemist, only deal with polymers? Immediately before them were plainclothes Securitate agents and a row of police militia, who kept the mass of the crowd about thirty meters back from the front of the Central Committee building. Dressed in a black Persian lamb hat with matching coat collar, Ceausesecu, 71, was . They wanted to separate the people from the army. I do not recognize the court. They were not really interested in the people. Nicolae Ceausescu LAST SPEECH - YouTube Thirty years on, will the guilty pay for horror of Ceauescu orphanages? Richard is soon unhorsed on the field at the climax of the battle, and cries out, A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse! But wags through the ages have rewritten the lines perhaps less poetically, but more accurately as a hearse, a hearse, my kingdom for a hearse. That sad funereal vehicle is always drawn by teams of corrupt information. Workers from a Bucharest power plant started chanting "Ti-mi-oa-ra! PROSECUTOR: In all district capitals, which you grandly called municipalities, there is shooting going on. How can one say something like this? And Elena says: It is incredible what they are inventing, incredible. Forget what the politicians on Capitol Hill are saying about the prisoner swap. PROSECUTOR: By now, there have been 34 casualties. PROSECUTOR: And who heads Securitate? We must not allow the slightest impression of illegality to emerge. PROSECUTOR: You claim to have taken measures so that every peasant is entitled to 200 kilograms of wheat. At some point the entire structure of governance becomes a system of workarounds with all real power devolved to the man on the ground. PROSECUTOR: And who wrote the papers for you, Elena? The next he was a hunted man. He did not realize, however, that a real revolution was starting right before his eyes. NICOLAE CEAUESCU: We had no account in Switzerland. They were even worse than the king, the former king of Romania. The prosecutor says: The world already knows what has happened here. What defamation, what provocations! The following is a transcript of the closed trial of Romanian Dictator Nicolae Ceauescu and his wife, Elena, as shown on Romanian and Austrian television. This year, the crowd begins to chant unscripted comments back at the dictator. The two defendants should also know that they are entitled to a counsel for defense, even if they reject this. Elena and Nicolae Ceauescu should be punished in a really legal trial. ELENA CEAUSESCU: The terrorists are from Securitate. We must not allow the slightest impression of illegality to emerge. The video- shown live on Romanian television-- shows his confusion and consternation and the barely audible comments. A little noticed article in the, notes that Australia will support Japans effort to repeal its pacifist constitution. We have ensured an apartment for every citizen through corresponding laws. CEAUSESCU: We will discuss this before the Grand National Assembly. Why did you make the peasants starve? Queen Victoria and Her Prime Ministers Share . The details are known. One of the first acts of the new leadership was to place the security forces, the dreaded Securitate, under control of the army. This is where President Ceausescu gave his final speech in December 1989, before fleeing Bucharest. Frederich Hayek identified the primary reason why tyrants fall: they rely on the poisoned cup of centralized knowledge. This is a vulgar provocation. What do you say as a citizen? The following is a transscript of the closed trial of Romanian Dictator Nicolae Ceausescu and his wife, Elena, as shown on Romanian and Austrian television. NICOLAE CEAUESCU: I will not sign anything. The court notes that the investigations have been concluded. NICOLAE CEAUESCU: Her scientific papers were published abroad! PROSECUTOR: Did you hear the charges? As a simple citizen, I tell you the following: For the first time I guaranteed that every peasant received 200 kilograms of wheat per person, not per family, and that he is entitled to more. Romanian demonstrators gathered in front of the headquarters of the Romanian Communist Party in Bucharest during the 1989 anti-communist revolution, 22 December 1989. Unprecedented Interruption of Ceausescu's Speech With AM-Romania, Bjt Romania's dictator Nicolae Ceausescu's final speech (executed The people were slaves. The people only received 200 grams per day, against an identity card. For example, George Ciampa, an 89-year old D-Day veteran refused an invitation to meet with President Obama at the White House. Every honest citizen who worked hard here until 22 December knows that we do not have medicines, that you two have killed children and other people in this way, that there is nothing to eat, no heating, no electricity. And I also do not recognize the counsel for the defense. NICOLAE CEAUESCU: No, no. You should have stayed in Iran where you had flown to. Now the counsel for the defense, who was appointed by the court, asks whether Nicolae and Elena Ceauescu know the aforementioned facts that he is no longer president, that she has lost all official functions. You need not admit your mistakes, mister. However, there is a difference between real sickness that must be treated and mental insanity which leads to corresponding actions, but which is denied by the person in question. Not a single shot was fired in Palace Square. Fuelled by the events taking place in Berlin (the wall had come down just a few weeks before) and the ripple impact of the weakening Iron Curtain, Romanians had taken to the streets in . PROSECUTOR: Please, ask Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu whether they have ever had a mental illness. This shows again how false the charges are. One announcer called it the heart of our nation. What do you say as a citizen? I told you right at the beginning that I will not answer a single question. We live in a normal apartment, just like every other citizen. The crimes against the people grew year by year. Another question to Ceausescu: Who ordered the bloodbath in Timisoara. Two: Armed attack on the people and the state power, in accordance with Article 163 of the penal code. A photo of a television screen of Nicolae Ceauescu delivering his last public speech from the balcony of the Romanian Communist Party headquarters, 21 December 1989. The balcony where Ceauescu delivered his last speech, taken over by the crowd during the Romanian Revolution of 1989 The speech was typical of most of Ceauescu's speeches over the years. PROSECUTOR: Children cannot even buy plain candy, and you are living in the palaces of the people. The two defendants should also know that they are entitled to a counsel for defense, even if they reject this. The people only received 200 grams per day, against an identity card. He answers: I am the president of Romania, and I am the commander in chief of the Romanian army. This is not possible. Shakespeare dramatized the turnabout in his famous scene. And today you are acting in the same megalomaniac way. ELENA CEAUESCU: How can one tell us something like this? Ceausescu begins his address to the people as he had in years past but this year the tide turned. Despite this, I ask the court to make a decision which we will be able to justify later as well. ELENA CEAUSESCU: Such impudence! Tell us! I have nothing to do with them. However, there is a difference between real sickness that must be treated and mental insanity which leads to corresponding actions, but which is denied by the person in question. No one was shot. "a chant that was soon picked up by others in the crowd. PROSECUTOR: This would serve your defense. Now we finally saw your villa on television, the golden plates from which you ate, the foodstuffs that you had imported, the luxurious celebrations, pictures from your luxurious celebrations.

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